INS NYC 2024 Conference

My Experience at the INS NYC 2024 Conference

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the 52nd Annual North American Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) in New York City. It was a four-day event that brought together researchers, clinicians, and students from around the world to share their latest findings and insights on various topics related to neuropsychology.

The conference program was packed with interesting and informative sessions, ranging from keynote lectures and symposia to poster presentations and workshops. The topics covered a wide range of areas, including the neuropsychology of aging, neurodevelopmental disorders, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative diseases. There were also several sessions focused on the impact of COVID-19 on the brain and cognition.

As a member of the NeuroCOVID-19 special interest group, I was also particularly interested in topics related to COVID-19 and its impact on the brain and cognition. The special interest group had a designated workshop session where we discussed the the current state of COVID-19 research, and discussed the future of neuropsychological sequelae of COVID-19, the challenges of assessing and treating patients with long COVID, and the potential mechanisms of neuroinvasion and neuroinflammation caused by the virus. We also had the chance to present a poster on the topic of executive dysfunction after COVID-19, which received positive feedback and sparked interesting discussions with other attendees.

I also enjoyed networking with other attendees and exchanging ideas and experiences. I met some of the leading experts in the field, as well as some of the emerging talents. I learned a lot from their feedback and suggestions, and I hope to collaborate with some of them in the future.

In addition to attending the conference, I also had a great time visiting New York and Manhattan. The conference center was conveniently situated in the middle of Times Square, and in the off time I got to explore the city in the February weather and visit several of the iconic landmarks. I also had the chance to try some delicious bucket-list foods.

Overall, the INS NYC 2024 conference was a rewarding and stimulating experience for me. I gained new knowledge, expanded my professional network, and had fun exploring the city. I would highly recommend future INS meetings for those who find topics related to neuropsychology and cognition interesting.

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